⭐️ With El Nido Design Stickers you can give a trendy style to your hydro flask, water bottle, laptops, cars, iPhone and more. The 100 cute stickers have been designed and produced with all best designers and materials. Size around 2-3 inches.
⭐️ EXTRA DURABLE MATERIAL, WATERPROOF AND REUSABLE ⭐️ Our vinyl stickers are made with the best quality materials- a PVC double layered film which makes them sun proof and UV resistant. The 100 stickers for kids are 100% new with high-definition printing and the best quality ink that never fades out. ⭐️ All of our ocean stickers are waterproof. You can wash them easily and they won’t lose their shape. Even after washing them several times the colors will remain intact. All of our hawaiian stickers are reusable and very sticky. You can tear off without any trace of residue.
⭐️PACKAGE CONTENTS⭐️ Each package contains 100 unique tropical stickers for hydro flask. Packaged in a clear reinforced bag to ensure the stickers arrive without any damage to your address.
⭐️ WHERE TO USE YOUR VSCO STICKERS ⭐️ - Perfect you to decorate your hydro flask, laptop, Jeep, car, luggage, phone, skateboard, helmet, snowboard, book etc. - Just for smooth surfaces. Not suitable for rough surfaces.